
Age 41, Male

Makin' the games

Austin TX

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This jerk's been earning new medals for new games on Newgrounds as recently as last month, so he's not dead, he's ignoring us.
I don't buy that he "needs time". It's been what, 4 years since G&H2? Here are my best theories:
1) He's convinced his ideas are crap or he's bitten off more than he can chew, and is afraid to finish production.
2) He's a pain to work with so nobody can or will work with him.
3) He's a manchild. He can't finish the game b.c. he was kicked out of his parents' house and has no capital to produce it with, much money to fund it.
4) Fundamentalists convinced him that his game is evil so now he only makes gaudy microtransaction puzzle games.

Unfortunately its closest to 4. But I dig all of your other theories. Im not dead, not ignoring anyone. The reality is more complicated but Gretel 3 isn't forgotten and neither are my lovely fans.

I think to many ppl think it is a duty to give news for something they don't make themselves (cf the guy under), leading to some hatred. Personally I'm hyped because this just mean we might have the conclusion of a wonderful series, thank you.

Hate's a strong word for a quiet video-game designer. He's been making other games since G&H2, just not on Newgrounds--his name is David Bae or Nathan Ratcliffe and they're the only two people who worked on this game directly. Both their names are in credits of recent games.

I do object quite strongly to the popular belief that gamers must thank the developer-gods for every scrap of info or awful gameplay they throw our way. That moves the quality of games and the relationship between fans and developers backwards, not forwards. Free games certainly warrant more leeway in updates than $60, FFF shooters/RPG's by Spongie or Ubiflaccid, but there is no such thing as bad bad publicity...except no publicity. In fact, if Bae or Ratcliffe intend to finance a for-profit third installment of their series, they can only benefit from banging a gong and directing all their loyal minions (myself included, even still) to Kickstarter.

Your memmory may be short, or maybe you just discovered G&H2 for the first time, but, but the game first came out 4 years ago and this news update is 2 years old. In those 4 years we have only seen 3 cryptic concept doodles. It's perfectly alright for Bae and Ratcliffe to have more pressing priorities in their lives and developement cycles. But as long as one of them (whichever individual "Makopudding" is) is still coming here (as recently as last month), the least he could do is take a moment between games of "Phoenotopia" to say so to fans who promoted his work so well when he was first starting out.

Your post is appreciated. And I apologize for being under the radar. I hate sharing no news, but unfortunately sometimes that's all I've got. In the games industry sometimes you aren't allowed to talk about projects and I was under a 2 year contract preventing me from working on the game. But now that is over and we are doing our best to bring part 3 to life. I can't say much more right now but a lot of thought and work has gone into it and Gretel isn't forgotten. Its very hard to make free games for your only living, so obviously we've had other jobs that have also prevented us from completing the game. But I won't be satisfied unless Gretel gets finished. Thanks for posting and caring.

Wow. This is ugly. People accusing a game designer of ignoring them and even hating them for not being given a game they "want".
Gretel and Hansel is a good series and I really want to see it continued, but no one deserves that.
Getting a free (F R E E !!) game of pure awesomeness is a gift and should be fun. Enjoy your others games while they last!

Nevertheless... If you'd answer the request of some people (who also follow you, you know) that would be quite a sensitive move.

Thank you, makopudding, for your comments below. Hearing you say that you won't be satisfied until Gretel 3 gets finished has put me in a fantastic mood! I wish you nothing but the best and I'll be waiting patiently for Gretel 3, even if it takes a long time to finish it.

You're the man, makopudding. You made a free flash game and people are actually getting angry when they don't get more. Whether or not it is right for the fans to be angry at you, you can definitely tell by their passion that you created something incredible!

Keep it up!

Wow, 4 years after the 2nd game and you're still trying to finish what could be the last of this series. Just knowing that you're still commenting brings hope into this bleak unknown for what we call rumors and random speculations. Kudos to you and good luck finishing this. Until its released, I'll stay diligent and persistent until the end of days. Or until I stop caring (which is a very long time).

I just hope nothing is wrong with you cause I loved this game so much. Last time you told me that all of the team is hard at work in life. I just hope you guys can work this part 3 out for all the loyal fans cause I'm so tired of waiting each year with nothing.

I think I won't wait any further than 2015 / 2016 & I' sorry to say that. It's a shame forgetting such a great game. I even included it in my blog for horror & scary games & I don't include any game really. It's better to respect you fans & start working on part 3 as soon as you can. You may even try to contact new people to help you finish it other than your original team.

oh wow! he lives! im so glad to hear it! :D
finally light at the end of the tunnel. it is much appreciated to hear something rather than nothing at all. what he seems to not understand is that a lot of people need updates even if there is no change. there's so much distrust these days... impatience.

I myself am guilty of speculating that maybe he didn't care but that's mainly due to no updates at all. cant expect people to just trust with no updates. especially for such a long time.
I am very glad to finally see some kind of update, some hope. :)

so anyway, even if there's nothing to say nor anything new to report on this project but saying something is better than nothing.

looking forward to playing G&H3!!!

PS- how much is left to do on it before it's done?

goddamit she so kawaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiii!!!!

*Sigh* After 2 years... No signs of internet activity=DEAD.

R.I.P. MakoPudding

You're definitely either dead or not interested anymore. Either way two years of nothing says quite a lot.

if you do not work in the game, at least say…” the project will not continue”,...
I come here from time to time hoping to find something, is pretty bad and not find anything, I come every year and nothing,this is sad. so if you canceled it, tell.
stop making us wait, just say…
and if you're still doing… show us, I just want to have a security, all we want…


Please, please, PLEASE tell us what is going on... It's been 2 years man!
Whether the game is dead or not, please give us, your fans, the closure we deserve. This is one of my very favourite game series, and I check your pages every month to see what's happening. I want part 3 more than any other game, and even if it's not going to happen, I'm stuck in the past until youcome out and say what's happening.
Please :(

Last update was two years ago. Is G&H 3 stuck in limbo or dead?

If you scroll up a little, you will see that on october 15th 2014, nine months ago, Makopudding responded to a user here. He said that he will not be satisfied until Gretel 3 is finished. That's the last (unofficial) update. To answer your question: Gretel 3 is probably in limbo right now but definitely not dead! I have faith that it will be finished some day. I hope it will be soon, but there is no telling how far he is with the game or how much time he has available to work on it.

Me too. I loved the first and second games so much that I bought the complete soundtrack for the second game.

I bought the soundtrack too! It's amazing isn't it? Let's hope the soundtrack to the third will be as good.

It really is :)

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