
Age 42, Male

Makin' the games

Austin TX

Joined on 10/20/09

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part 1 was awesome. can't wait for the second one keep up the great work

Part one was one of the best point and clicks ive played so far! Challenging, packing storyline and yet hilarious! I am really looking forward to the second part. :)

Dang you and your simplistic but beautiful art. I loved your game and Hpe to see the next one soon.

Great game, beautiful to look at, and hilarious to play. I can't wait for part 2. I am having trouble with getting the medal for all the deaths. I assume you have to get them all in one play through, not just all the death medals?

Yeah you have to get all 10 deaths in one playthrough and then wait till the credits are over and the deaths show.

Mmm, I hope it is gone be awesome.
Because first part is fantastic.

Cant wait man cant wait

I like how you animated a water coloring picture.

Very nice touch.

But why must fairy tale remakes be so gory and violent? Perhaps it's the ironic twist as how it was a falsity to reality in the first place.

Not everything in life has a "Happily Ever After"

Well what's interesting is that the story of Hansel and Gretel is so dark and brutal to begin with. Children abandoned by their parents in the woods only to be lured by a witch who wants to eat them.

gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah i really want to play episode 2.

The art was wonderful for the first game, as if it was in a child's mind. It was a nice twist to the story, but that "Here's Mommy" medal just scared the heck out of me. I hope the sequel will be even better!

That Hansel... He's so hot right now.

Hmm... well, why don't I suggest making multiple endings for your next game or two? For Hansel and Gretel Part II, let us decide whether we want the story tale happy ending or not? It'll be like a choose-your-own adventure with different endings (and not just grimm deaths).

Since you focused on Gretel, I think you'll want to change the main character to Hansel on Part II. Alternate between main characters. And on the 3rd game, to keep it balanced, let us be able to choose what character we want to play as. Or better yet, both people have their own adventure and we alternate between the usage of each character.

Well, your drawings are fantasically grimm, which is a perfect for your idea. Actually, that's what attracted me to this game in the first place. The artwork is so amazing.

After Hansel and Gretel, will you make more Grimm Fairy Tale games?

By the way, I got all 10 medals without the walkthrough! Yay for me =D

Great feedback. I think you'll be surprised where we go with the next two. Nice job on beating it without a walkthrough!

cool. i cant wait

Awesome point and click with a mix of traditional game controls. One of the very few point and clicks I've liked, the other being the "Small Favor" series.

Maybe make this one a tad longer? I felt the first was a tad short.

Cannot wait. Brilliant game. You did fantastically.

Awesome game man! But why did you put in the gore in the game!?! what happens if a 5 year old kid that throws up and thought this would be a good nice non-gory game! Seriously,the game looks nice but have gore in it.Well,oh well,fairy tales must do have a happily ever after.So,why dkid you put in gory deaths?

i think part 2 well be awsome too but i can't wait 4 part 3 (witch's house)

where did you learn this!? just out of the blue you submitted a perfect game! :D!!!!

Part 1 was incredible. You made Gretel a particularly very likable character. The art was great, the music set the mood, the deaths (though I felt sorry for the girl every time) were creative, particularly the crow and rabbit ones.

I'm really looking forward to part 2.

First part was AWESOME!! Can't wait until part 2! When is it coming out?

@Avascar The orignal Hansel & Gretel was very gory. And why would a five year old play it anyways? Well, I love the game! I can't beat it though. my comp heats up real fast and won't let me play it fully through. But I will finish it someday! lol. Well, you keep making these games! (by these games, I mean awesome games.)

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